Inquiry To Onboarding

Creating An Effortless Client Journey

Picture this: less time on social media, no more chasing leads, and a streamlined workflow that runs smoother than you ever thought possible. 

Join me for a masterclass* where I share how to make your client's journey a breeze from the moment they hit submit on your contact form. During this masterclass, I’m talking about simplifying like a pro as we unravel the magic that exists within templates and automations. Get ready to create lasting impressions, and watch referrals roll in like never before!

*Transcript and slide decks also available
  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

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Inquiry To OnboardingCreating An Effortless Client Journey$0

What you'll learn:

Essential systems for your tool kit

How to stand out and close your leads with confidence

The impact of a seamless onboarding experience

Creating on-brand templates with your clients in mind

Save yourself hours of time each week with automations

  • Total payment
  • 1xInquiry To Onboarding: Creating An Effortless Client Journey$0

All prices in CAD